
As we begin the Fall Season . . .

Barolo Tray Table with removable tray top + Curtis Lounge Chair

Siena Stool with Walnut base + 
Amalfi Table with honed Crema Marfil stone top

As we begin the fall season we start to see things we don't see during the summer months. For example, the old fire place surround - it may need a little refreshing. Well, how about adding a new piece of art, an old frame with a mirror in it or maybe just moving your existing artwork around. You can always add some wonderful artifacts from a trip you took this summer. It will add color & a different look to your home! 

Changes are good for the soul - you may also want to change your pin board at work or home. Add some thoughtful things you've recently collected - cards or great photos from magazines. This will set the tone for your fall surroundings. Plus It's always good & plain ol' fun to make an inspiration board or scrapbook.

At Square One we love magazines & are always ripping them apart, collecting new product ads to give us inspiration - it fuels our creativity. We love to be on the look out for when one of our fellow designers get published.  Love it even more when one of our Square One pieces is incorporated in the design project. It's a great feeling!

Again summer is over & the fall leaves are changing. We like to light up that old fireplace, sit for a little while & day dream about all the good things from our summer. If you haven't already, we hope you get a chance to do the same very soon. 

If you have some ideas about collecting, we'd love to hear them!  
Have fun & take pleasure seriously!

Contributors: Erica Garza & Arthur Johnson
Images via: http://www.squareonefurniture.com/


Welcome to the Square One Furniture Blog!

 Natalie End Table in Mahogany with brushed chrome pull

Square One Furniture Collection has had many adventures throughout its first ten years. We are now starting a new episode - a new chapter with our Square One blog!  

It has been a challenge to keep up with all of the new information in this worldwide network we live in today. The info media has advanced at such a rate that a day does not go by without some new "techno innovation" popping up.  

We at Square One are grateful and excited to be a part of these times and to be experiencing new developments in techology, it has opened new avenues in helping us expand our collection and introduce it to a much broader audience.

In keeping with the new age, Square One encourages the designer and architect to take part in our furniture design process. We find that by doing so they are exploring new opportunities with us and we in turn are learning from them. This adds to the growth and excitement at Square One Furniture!

To some it may not seem that important to understand the inner workings of a company, but we've added a whole new equation to creativity! We'd like to think that we at Square One are first and foremost resourceful people. Artistic inspiration is a very personal expression for all designers, no matter which field you have chosen to persue. 

Thank you for joining us in our quest to provide timeless and inspiring furniture.  Please come back often to see what's new and innovative. We are looking forward to our new blog & hope it's an inspiration to all that continue to visit!

Also please leave us your comments - we'd love to hear your thoughts!

Contributors: Erica Garza, Scott C. Hill, Arthur Johnson
Image via: http://www.squareonefurniture.com/